Property is situated at Millaroo approx 45 min up the Burdekin River on Ayr Dalbeg Road - Sale will include the 3 Bedroom Fully Airconditioned Home with Office - 2 Bay Carport - 2 Bedroom Airconditioned Workers Accommodation with shower- toilet - laundry - BORE - Domestic Water Supply for the House - Workers Accom - Gardens is provided by a Elec 2 inch Submersible Pump - CROP - There will be an estimated 5500 tonnes of Sugar Cane for the 2025 season - Sugar Cane is grown on 65 Acres of the 80 Acres of Freehold Land and 30 Acres on Term Leasehold Land - The is also an additional 47 Acre lot nearby currently leased for Sugar Cane until 2026 There is also 5 Acres of Passion Fruit on Trellises Irrigated via pressure compensated dripline that can produce up to 5500 boxes/year - 5 Acres of Lucerne under drip irrigation supplied via the channel to a southern cross pump with Netafim Sand Filtration with variable speed drive - timer & auto shut off - which can produce up to 1600 sml bales/year - GRAZING - There is approx 133 Acres of 20 Yr Term Lease for Grazing fenced with 4 barb fencing which will carry around 15 head of cattle - SHED - Large approx 280m2 Shed with power & workshop - 16 Panel 4.8kw Solar System - All Tractors Plant & Equipment - see agent for detailed list -IRRIGATION - Irrigation is gravity fed from the Sunwater Channel to Farms via 12 and 15 inch outlets for flood irrigation and there is 310 mgltrs of Sunwater Allocation with the property - For further information or to arrange for a private viewing of this Multi Income Stream Cropping Property please call David on 0400756274 - To view other properties from this agency please see website
Inkerman Hotel General Store (Fuel)
545.7 mins
Inkerman Hotel (Pub)
545.9 mins
Hellenic Memorial Parish Hall (Place Of Worship) [ christian]